
Monitoring Survey 2015 - Environments

In the last posts I’ve talked about the the tools people used in monitoring and the demographics of the survey.

In this post I am going to look at the question around what parts of people’s environments are monitored. As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, the survey got 1,116 responses of which 884 were complete.

This post will cover the question:

6. What parts of your environment do you monitor? Please select all the apply.

What parts of your environment do you monitor?

With Question 6 I am most interested in understanding what types of infrastructure are monitored. Especially in areas beyond traditional host-based monitoring. As with last year I asked about network and application monitoring. I also introduced a new category called Cloud Infrastructure in response to feedback on this question.

Overall, I divided monitoring types into:

  • Server Infrastructure
  • Cloud Infrastructure
  • Network Infrastructure
  • Application logic
  • Business logic

I’ve compiled the results into a summary table.

Environments Monitored %
Server Infrastructure 81%
Cloud Infrastructure 49%
Network Infrastructure 57%
Application logic 59%
Business logic 29%

81% of respondents perform Server Infrastructure monitoring. 49% monitor Cloud Infrastructure. That half the respondents have cloud infrastructure to monitor is likely a consequence of selection bias in the respondent pool.

A smaller 57% of respondents monitor Network Infrastructure. This fits with the results from last year, where I had expected more network monitoring. I posited that this may be related to the silo’ing of network management in many organizations into a Network-specific team or be a selection bias.

A slightly smaller group than last year perform Application and Business logic monitoring with 59% and 29% respectively.

This year I also added an “Other” category to cover other environments or elements that people might monitor.

Environments Monitored - Other #
Application 12
Database 5
Plant and Physical site 3
Workstations 1
Backups 1
External services 1

I’m assuming Application here and Application logic above are related. A smaller group also considered database monitoring as a separate category.

In the next post I’ll be looking at metrics and their use in monitoring.

P.S. I am also writing a book about monitoring.

The posts: