
Rape is rape is rape is rape...


So the whole debate about consent that is taking place in the Australian media right now (and probably everywhere else this comes up) disgusts me. The equation is brutally simple: IF YOU CANNOT GIVE CONSENT OR YOUR ABILITY TO CONSENT IS IMPAIRED THEN IT IS RAPE. Full stop. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. Go directly the fuck to jail. There is no “but she was drunk and threw herself at me…” It is up to YOU as a free thinking person to make choices about the things you do and the risks you take. Not anyone else. You are individually responsible and accountable for your own actions. If the person you are with is drunk, on drugs or otherwise unable to give consent then you do not have sex with them. It’s called “judgement” and you should exercise it. And guess what? It’s always much safer to err on the side of caution because you can’t be charged with rape if you don’t have sex with them! And the pathetic “what if I was drunk and a woman hit on me - that’s rape too right - so it’s a double standard!” argument is laughable. Aside from the statistically insignificant number of female on male rapes, no one is arguing that this isn’t rape. Female on female, male on male and the obviously statistically most common attack - male on female - all rape. if no consent is given then it’s RAPE and you should be arrested and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.