If I had my hand full of truth, I would take good care how I opened it
I marked about 1000 old posts as private recently. They date back over ten years. I would have once upon a time been reluctant to censor myself - those posts represented some interesting periods of my life. But they also represent portions of other’s lives as well, especially past relationships, that I don’t own. So I decided to close the posts and those portions of my life on this blog.
So I handle a lot of bug tickets. A lot. I’ve triaged maybe 5000 tickets in the last couple of years across multiple projects. Some tickets are easy to triage, others not so much. So what makes some tickets easy to handle and others not? Information. Good information. To log a simple, effective and easy to deal with bug tell me:
Have you provided a clear explanation of your problem and any required context?
So the whole debate about consent that is taking place in the Australian media right now (and probably everywhere else this comes up) disgusts me. The equation is brutally simple: IF YOU CANNOT GIVE CONSENT OR YOUR ABILITY TO CONSENT IS IMPAIRED THEN IT IS RAPE. Full stop. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. Go directly the fuck to jail. There is no “but she was drunk and threw herself at me…” It is up to YOU as a free thinking person to make choices about the things you do and the risks you take.
And we’re back with another exiting release in the 2.6.x branch - 2.6.2. This is a maintenance release in the 2.6.x branch and it contains bug fixes, maintenance and a small number of features. The release is available for download here.
User type now manages password age We’ve add a new feature to user providers manages_password_age, along with the new properties password_min_age and password_max_age to the user type. These represent password minimum and maximum age in days.
On my TODO list since about …. 2009 I think … has been the idea that I should port the Ubuntu project’s Mootbot to Rbot. I use Rbot quite a lot to run bots in various IRC channels - most principally gepetto who lurks in the #puppet, #puppet-dev and #redmine channels and provides helpful information about bugs, links, commits and the like to the members of those channels. The Ubuntu Mootbot is used by the Scribes team to run and summarise meetings on IRC.